Elegant & Armed

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Twist Knot Top For Concealed Carry

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Twist Knot Top | Waterfall Sweater (Similar) | Layering Necklaces | Jeans | Boots (Similar)

Holster: T-Rex Arms Sidecar | Firearm: Sig P365

Hey friends, I hope you’re having a great week! Over here at Elegant and Armed, I’ve been preparing for SHOT Show, which is next week! I’m looking forward to visiting with everyone, seeing the new products that are coming out, AND revealing a special project that I’ve been working on in collaboration with Cameleon Bags!

As I run around to pick up essentials for the trip, I thought I’d share my concealed carry outfit of the day. The feature of today’s outfit is this twist knot top that I purchased a while back. I thought it would be great for concealed carry, and as it turns out… it IS!

The folds in the shirt and the waffled material are both great for reducing “printing,” or showing an outline of the gun through your clothes. After putting the outfit on, I did a few dry fire drills and discovered that the twisted material is easy to grab hold of to “clear” the shirt (move out of the way to draw the gun).

Sometimes I find it uncomfortable to layer a sweater over sleeves, so I really like that this comfy basic is sleeveless. It also comes in a variety of colors. I’m wearing a thick waterfall sweater over top, layered necklaces, skinny jeans, and a pair of leather booties.


How would you style this top? Comment below!

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