6 Things to do When You Lack Motivation to Workout

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It’s no secret, I believe strongly that women (and men) should be able to defend themselves! Pursuing a fit lifestyle can assist with that by developing strength, agility, confidence, and mental toughness.

It does take some perseverance to get (and stay) in the habit of working out, so what can you do when you struggle to find the motivation? Here are a few things I have found helpful, and I think you will too.

  1. Know your “Why”

    Understanding and remembering the reason you decided to workout in the first place is key to helping you follow through. Whether it’s to get stronger, gain confidence, feel better, etc. Whatever your reason is, write it down and hang it somewhere that you’ll be sure to see it. Review your statement whenever you need a little boost of motivation.

  2. Put on your athletic clothes

    It’s easy to procrastinate but once you put your athletic clothes on, there is one less barrier between you and the workout. There are typically many other things I could be doing instead of exercising. Often, I’ll change into my workout clothes early and continue being productive. It’s not long before I start feeling like I want to exercise, then when it’s time to go to the gym all I have to do is walk out the door.

  3. Turn on music

    In my opinion, music makes working out much more fun! You might want to create a playlist of upbeat songs to enjoy during your workout. If you start associating that music with exercise, you may even experience a sudden urge to workout when you hear it!

  4. Do something you enjoy

    Working out doesn’t have to be a chore. Find a fun activity that you’ll look forward to every week. It could be weightlifting, ultimate frisbee, rock climbing, yoga, Zumba, cycling, etc. You can use the internet to search for a local club or class to take.

  5. Make it social

    Hit two birds with one stone by combining fitness and social time. When you find an activity you enjoy, chances are, there are others who enjoy it too. Experience it together in an existing club or even start one of your own!

  6. Find the time of day that works for you and schedule it!

The time of day can definitely affect your motivation. For example, I know from experience that 6:00am is not a good time for me. However, in the afternoon or evening I have a lot more energy and an give my workout the intensity it deserves. If you’re unsure what time of day is best for you, try experimenting with different times to see what works. Once you find it, make it a priority by scheduling it in your calendar.

I hope you find these tips helpful! Remember, creating a habit is a process and if you miss a workout, that does not mean you failed. Give yourself some grace and get just get back into the routine as quickly as you can. Stay safe my friends!

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