Stay Fit to Stay Safe

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Fitness has been a regular part of my life for a long time, starting in junior high when I began trying various sports. Admittedly, I sometimes take my workout regimen for granted; but the truth is, the benefits of working out show up in almost every aspect of life. It affects how I feel, how I think, and has an impact on what I’m able to do. For example, staying in shape allows me to do things like haul a load of groceries up a flight of stairs, chase my niece around the park, and join a pickup game of ultimate frisbee.

Even more importantly, fitness goes hand in hand with self-protection! It’s not only an investment in your health, but also your safety, which is why I’ve decided to include this topic on my blog. Just imagine how being in shape (or not) could affect your ability to run away from a threat or defend yourself if needed.

Today I’m sharing an example of a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout. This is one of my favorite ways to work out because it increases your metabolism and helps you lose fat without losing muscle. It also exercises large muscle groups, doesn’t require much equipment (calisthenics) and can be done almost anywhere.

During HIIT training, you give 100% effort for short periods of exercise, with brief moments of rest in-between. You can divide the sessions up however you want, but here’s what I like to do.

I did each group three times, for a total of 27 minutes of cardio.

Click here to see a demonstration of each exercise!

  • (1 minute) Mountain Climbers

  • (1 minute) Squat Jumps

  • (1 minute) Pike pushups

  • (1 minute) Rest

  • (1 minute) Burpees

  • (1 minute) Pistol Squats

    • For something easier, try seated leg lifts.

    • For a challenge, try pistol squats on a Bosu ball.

  • (1 minute) Squat Kicks

  • (1 minute) Rest

  • (1 minute) Quick feet

  • (1 minute) Plank with legs suspended

    • To make it more difficult, put your hands close together.

  • (1 minute) Russian Twists

  • (1 minute) Rest

You can use these exercises to increase mental toughness, which is a great skill to have when it comes to self-protection. Just decide how many sets you will do before starting, then make sure to complete the entire workout! By doing this, you can train yourself not to give up!

Because you choose the pace, your workout will be as difficult or easy as you make it. If you need a rest it’s ok to take one but remember, the benefits of high intensity workouts come from “high intensity.” So, push yourself when you can. If you’re gasping for air, you know you’re doing it right!


Have you ever tried high intensity interval training?

What is your favorite calisthenic exercise?

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