Four Rules of Gun Safety You Should Know

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  1. All guns are always loaded. 

  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you’re not willing to destroy. 

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. 

  4. Identify your target, and what is behind it. 

Covid-19 has led to a dramatic increase in gun sales and understandably so. In uncertain times people want to know they have the means to protect themselves. Many of these sales are to first time gun owners.

If that’s you, congratulations on exercising your right to bear arms! I think it’s awesome that you’re taking action to protect yourself and your family and I want to welcome you to the community of responsible gun owners. Keep in mind, firearm safety doesn’t come naturally, rather, it’s the mindset and habits that you develop through training.

So, I encourage you to put in the effort to get proper training. Safety is of utmost importance and we are all in this together. Because I care about you, I want to share the four basic rules, written by Col Jeff Cooper, that are the foundation of gun safety.

In my opinion, everyone should know these whether they own a gun or not. The more people who understand gun safety the better!

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Treat every gun as if it’s loaded

This rule applies at all times - when picking up a gun, when handed a gun, when putting it away, when carrying it across the range, etc. Never take possession of a gun and assume it’s unloaded; always check for yourself.

Even if you confirm the gun is not loaded, keeping this mindset will reinforce safe habbits and increase the likelihood you never mishandle a firearm.

Taken by itself, this rule won’t guarantee a safe gun handling experience, which is why we need the other three.

Never let the muzzle cover anything you’re not willing to destroy

If you never violate this rule, you’ll never shoot anything you care about. You must be intentional about the direction you point the gun to avoid “muzzle sweep,” which occurs when you carelessly point your gun at someone or something without meaning to do so.

Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target

Don’t let your finger rest inside the trigger guard. Do rest it on the side of the barrel or frame until you are ready to shoot.

Not only do you need to be mindful of your finger, but make sure nothing else can pull the trigger. That’s why we never carry a pistol in our purse without a holster that covers the trigger.

For firearms that don’t have an external safety, your finger is the only safety you have!

Identify your target, and what is behind it

It’s not enough to know you’re shooting at something you want to hit. It’s important to know what’s behind your target in case you miss or shoot through the intended target. Remember, you’re responsible for every bullet you shoot.

It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people who have suffered the consequences of breaking one or more of these rules. In fact, I’ve heard stories from seasoned shooters who have experienced accidental discharges. Thankfully, in these cases, the consequences weren’t high, but they were very sobering. They also weren’t from a lack of knowledge but resulted from not making these rules a rigid habit.

When under stress we don’t remember what to do; we execute what we’ve been trained to do, so don’t just memorize these rules, train with them, and make them habit! They will lay a foundation of safe gun practices for you to build on.

For help finding gun safety courses near you, check out my RESOURCES page and make sure to subscribe to Elegant & Armed for more on gun ownership, concealed carry, and style. Stay safe friends!